A Few Worthy CORF Facts

CORF stands for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ designation, Comprehensive Outpatient Rehabilitative Facility.  More and more adult day care/health programs are doubling as CORFs and in the process are offering rather comprehensive services to those being served.

Anyone can establish an outpatient rehabilitation clinic.  As long as services are provided by licensed, qualified professionals, the program can bill and be of benefit to many.  Here are a few facts that make a CORF a better option for many:

  1. A CORF can bill for the services of a physicians.  This can make it a more responsive rehabilitative program and more treatment plan focused.
  2. A CORF can bill for specialty rehabilitation, i.e. respiratory therapy.  This broadens whom can be served and could help the CORF target specific community health conditions, more rampant in certain areas.
  3. A CORF can bill for psycho-social care, i.e. the services of clinical social workers, psychologists, etc. allowing the program to develop an intense and enhanced focus on the cognitive and related mental health needs of those being served.

Hopefully these few facts can contribute to how you plan to develop or reinvent your services to your community.


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